Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hi, My name is Jackie, and I'm a landscaper.

Note: Due to unforeseen technical difficulties it seems the pictures aren't working. I will do a vlog tour soon :)

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.
I've been way too busy doing yard work.
But, to be honest, I kind of LOVE IT.

I love going outside while Noah's napping or when Jay's home and get dirty with my Hoe... and Shovel. ;)
I get a nice tan, a workout and visible progress each time I go out. Who wouldn't love that?!

Ive been digging up old bricks that were supposed to line the garden beds, but went about 3 feet too far out and were 2" beneath the grass, and moved them to where they should be.
I weeded the gardens, put down new soil, chopped up some saplings that were choking my About Face rose bush. I also raked out old leaves and twigs from the whole east fence. And helped the hubs cut down some low lying branches on the blackberry tree out front.
Boy, oh boy. No wonder I've been losing some weight while eating Sonic and Ice Cream all too often.

This is the west garden bed, as you ca see in the next picture, the bricks were so far out.

The east garden bed, had to round the border a bit since there are some shallow roots from the bush. I may go back and move the line of bricks out further.

This is the blackberry tree and the birch tree. Jay had to cut so many branches out that were practically laying on the ground. The birch is kind of surrounded by the blackberry tree, but were going to cut down some more branches to let it breathe soon.

My AWESOME teal door, and the brand new mailbox, house number and light fixture. So cute!

And my little curious cutie wondering what Mama is doing outside. :)

I'll take some pictures of the backyard and inside the house soon!

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