A few things have been going on lately:
First, We are signing the contract on a house (different tan the other house mentioned previously) in patchogue monday! yay!!
Second, I have a killer sinus infection type thing going on.
This new house were moving into has a bunch of chotchkies (however you spell it) in the garden and yard, that I plan on getting rid of. little lanterns and random things, so annoying. I am looking forward to getting a cute bird bath from Dayspring as a gift to myself :) but I cant take all those little things everywhere.
Because of the sinus infection, and spring
quickly approaching I bought a neti pot.
Ive wanted one of these bad boys for a while but was always afraid.
My friend Emma found out shes having a boy, so I gave her and her husband a box of noahs clothes, and a few things like the moby wrap and toy tie. Feels so good to be one box less. I think we had about 6 boxes total so far. Insane. We have 1.5 boxes left right now, saving the bigger clothes for the next mama having a boy.
I gathered up a bunch more stuff for the Lupus Foundation. This is probably the 5th box of stuff I've given to them. And thats not including the 2 huge bags of noahs toys and random things I dropped off in the drop boxes a few months ago.
I'm currently editing out a few shirts in my wardrobe that I havent worn all winter, and bought when I was 35 lbs heavier last winter. and a few more shirts that have just worn out.
Gabi surprised me by getting me a pack of cap sleeved basic tees (I mentioned to her -there i go
mentioning things to her again- that i need one or 2 plain nice undershirts to put under a cardigan) from H&M. Im excited to see how they fit.
Since were moving in 2 months or so I'm sure I will be editing out a bunch of stuff so packing and moving wont be as traumatic as last time, haha.
I also got rid of some creams and lotions and hair care products. Giving my deep red lipstick to a friend, and my lemon clarifying shampoo and conditioner to my mom. I also gave a perfume to my sister. I always loved how it smelled, but I dont really like wearing perfume. So now when she comes over and is wearing it, i get to smell it, but not smell it on myself all day! (This added benefit was not my original intent, I knew she liked it and thats all.)
Heres my updated list of clothing items I own:
3 pairs of jeans
2 sweatpants
2 pajama pants
21 tops- 9 shirts, 2 layering shirts, 10 cardigans
2 hoodies
2 coats
2 sweaters
1 house sweater
4 shoes (1 boots, 1 sanuks, 1 flip flops, 1 dressy flat)
want to replace my sanuks with Toms still. And the coats, boots and sweaters are seasonal.
I kinda want to count all of my personal items as well, but I cant promise when i will have the time for that.
and I also dont know how to differentiate my items, and stuff for the house.. like candles, and pictures of my baby and me.